Who are we?

Our Values


Our job is to increase the relevancy and profitability of your brand’s website through SEO. We excel at doing that. We make a real attempt, at the same time, to quash all bullshit that gets in the way of moving that needle. Unless you want to hear about anything else – you won’t.

Build different

As do you, we hold strong opinions about the way SEO agencies build their client base and service their clients. When churning clients and burning trust in the service is the average experience agency side and client side – there’s inherent flaws in the way everything is built and the ground that it’s built on. Ultimately, without us building different from top to bottom – your client experience from start to finish would be no different to the status quo.

Boost trust

It is indeed possible for any business, with any website, in any field, to increase their profitability online. That’s why digital marketing is a thing. However, unless you trust that an SEO agency can achieve that for you — which most, understandably, struggle with due to burns in the past — you’re not likely to achieve it. You can, of course, solve your SEO in-house, but then you wouldn’t be looking to work with an SEO agency!

Our Team

Ronnie Cane 1 01
Mike Friend 1 01
Callum Morris 1 01
Ben Prior 1 01
Chris Newstead 1 01
Monty Savage 1 01
Josh Daniels 1 01
Emily 01
Lucy 01

About Eighteen

from the horse's mouth...

Ronnie Cane in Italy

I first stepped into the world of marketing at the ripe age of 14. I now realise that, from that very moment, I caught the bug. I couldn’t help, though, but witness the rules and rigidity in each and every marketing company and marketer. In the past, brands would approach creative agencies to solve problems that they didn’t even understand themselves. Now, everyone (and their AI girlfriend) thinks they can do everything and anything and every brand believes they know what service they want and need. Who’s to blame for this? Well, if we believe the customer is always right - then it’s on us, the agencies. Serving up shit each month (backed by unpalatable explanations) to paying clients. Feeding further into this sea of status quo that we now find ourselves in.

I am indeed standing on the shoulders of giants here. But, those giants are definitely dead and their descendants have destroyed any trust that remained in what we do. Meanwhile, if you peer into the typical agencies of today, their best minds are bullied by bullshit and busied by trying to answer the question of “how do we help people understand what we do?” instead of simply being focused on being great at what they do.

My belief is that they’re not just looking for an answer in the wrong place but that they don’t even need to ask that question. People are not thick. They understand that there is a search engine called Google and that websites can rank or not rank and rank well or rank poorly. They don’t need help to understand how Google works or how an SEO agency works. They need help trusting again.

That’s where Eighteen comes in. I set out to lead a tribe where we don’t just work differently but we also think differently. Our entire team is neurologically divergent (ADHD/ASD) which plays an obvious role in that, of course. And, when you add our combined 44 years in marketing with our collective crusade against the status quo that lies before us – we’re a militant force to be reckoned with.

Our ‘north star’ is boosting the trust of brands that need what we do by solving their online success.

No bullshit SEO Podcast Episode #10
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