My First Experience with SEO –

Monty Savage's Blog | Eighteen SEO Agency

2019 was the first time I had even heard of the term ‘SEO’. I was simply a Business Admin Apprentice based near London with the aspiration to enter the world of Marketing (mainly the social media route at the time).  Once I had built my employer’s brand new website on, I remember him telling […]

Content Strategy for Marketing Success

Monty Savage's Blog | Eighteen SEO Agency

Content is king in the digital age. Businesses, influencers, and even hobbyists rely on quality content to engage their audience and drive interaction. Creating valuable content not only attracts readers but also builds trust and loyalty. The essence of good content lies in its relevance and usefulness. Audiences seek information that answers their questions or […]

SEO: Essential Strategies for Boosting Online Visibility

Monty Savage's Blog | Eighteen SEO Agency

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is essential for any business looking to gain visibility online. It’s about optimising your website so that it ranks higher in search engine results, which increases the likelihood of attracting organic traffic. Without effective SEO, a beautifully designed website might go unnoticed. SEO involves a combination of strategies, including keyword optimisation, […]

The Biggest Misconception of a Digital Marketer: Separating Strategy from Tools

Monty Savage's Blog | Eighteen SEO Agency

A common misconception by many is that a digital marketer’s job is simply to post on social media. This narrow viewpoint fails to encompass the extensive range of skills and strategies they utilise. Digital marketers engage in data analysis, SEO, content creation, and conversion rate optimisation, which are crucial aspects of their role. A digital […]

The Best Free Online Marketing Course – Google Digital Garage Explained

Monty Savage's Blog | Eighteen SEO Agency

If you’re looking for the best free online marketing course, you should definitely explore Google Digital Garage. This free resource offers comprehensive lessons in digital marketing, covering everything from search engine optimisation to social media strategies. The courses are designed by experts and are suitable for both beginners and those looking to brush up on […]

The Importance of a Portfolio – Digital Marketer’s Essential Tool for Success

Monty Savage's Blog | Eighteen SEO Agency

For any digital marketer, having a well-curated portfolio is essential. A portfolio showcases skills, accomplishments, and the ability to drive results, making it a critical tool for attracting clients and employers. It provides concrete evidence of past successes and the marketer’s ability to handle various aspects of digital marketing. Prospective clients and employers often view […]

Is Print Advertising Still Effective? : Examining Modern Trends

Monty Savage's Blog | Eighteen SEO Agency

In today’s digital age, many question the relevance of print advertising. While online platforms dominate the advertising landscape, print media continues to hold a valuable place. Print advertising remains effective due to its tangible nature and ability to create memorable, lasting impressions. Studies show that consumers often trust print ads more than their digital counterparts. […]

Website Builder Tips for Beginners: Essential Advice to Get Started

Monty Savage's Blog | Eighteen SEO Agency

Creating a website can seem daunting, especially for beginners. Choosing the right website builder is crucial for a smooth setup and long-term success. This guide will break down essential tips to help you get started with confidence. Many website builders offer user-friendly interfaces and templates, making the process accessible even for those without technical skills. […]

Why I chose Derby University? – Marketing Student Advice

Monty Savage's Blog | Eighteen SEO Agency

Back in 2019/20 I had to make a huge decision… which university do I attend to gain a degree in Marketing? I’ll cut all the crap and just tell you it came down to two universities: De Montfort in Leicester, or Derby… I chose Derby. Here’s why… Sense of Community The first thing that struck […]

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