Analyse Competitor Keywords with Keyword Research

Last Updated on April 21, 2024 by Callum Morris

The Benefits of Conducting Competitor Keyword Research

Keyword research is an important step in the SEO process. It helps you to identify what keywords are currently trending and their search volume. This research is done by looking at the top ranking websites in your target keyword niche, and then analysing the content on these websites. You will be able to see how they rank for their keywords, what they are doing well, and find out what keywords they might not be ranking for.

You can also compare your website’s performance against other similar websites in your niche to see how you stack up against them. This will help you improve your keyword strategy and make sure that it’s working for you. Analysing the things they are doing well or not so well will allow you to take advantage of opportunities to improve your search rankings. When it comes to analysing your competitor’s content, there is no one-size-fits-all approach – it depends on the type of industry and the size of the company. For example, the approach for a small business in the retail industry could be different from that of a large company who is facing competition from another large company.

How to Use the Competition's Keywords to Your Advantage

When you are a content marketer, it is important to know the keywords that your competitors are using. This will help you to determine what the competition’s focus is and how you can use those keywords to your advantage.
Competitor keywords analysis is a process of determining what the competitor’s focus is and how they would like their audience to feel, which can be used as a way of marketing strategy.

This process requires a thorough understanding of the competitor and their target audience. It also requires an in-depth knowledge of SEO techniques. The first step in this process is gathering information about your competitors, especially about their target audience demographic and SEO techniques. The next step involves conducting keyword research on your own website or blog, so that you can understand what topics are trending in your industry and how they’re being described by consumers online. Once you have done this, you can analyse your competitors keywords. We will discuss how to do this in the next section.

How to Analyse Competitor Keywords Step-by-step

There are many keyword research tools such as Wordstream or SEMrush (we have a separate article that covers the best keyword tools in depth) that provide data about how much traffic specific keywords get or how long it takes for someone to click on your ad. We can use these to find out what people are searching for on the internet and in this case compare against our competitors.

Here is a step-by-step guide to analysing your competitors keywords. You can use this information to learn what they are doing, how they are doing it and then take on their strategies. In order to study your competitors, you need to know their website URL, the keywords they have used and their search volume. Use the keyword research tools to help you with this.

  • Step 1: Identify the top 10 keywords that your competitor is ranking for.
  • Step 2: Identify the top 10 keywords that your competitor is ranking for with a low search volume.
  • Step 3: Identify the top 10 keywords that your competitor is ranking for with a high search volume.
  • Step 4: Determine the difference in search volumes between these three sets of keywords.
  • Step 5: Create a list of 100 keywords relevant to your business.
  • Step 6: Check your competitor’s search rankings for the keywords you created in step 5. If the keyword you imposed ranks on page 1 or 2 for your competitor, then it is highly desired by searchers. If your competitor is ranking for a low volume keyword, then it is not as desired by searchers and should be less competitive to rank on page 1 or 2.

Following these steps will give you a good insight into your competitors’ keyword strategy including the keywords that work well for them or not so well. From here, you can create a list of keywords that you can target yourself to aim to move above competition in search rankings. This will allow you to build an effective and successful SEO strategy.

Competitor keyword research facts:

  • Understanding your competitors’ keyword strategies is crucial for success in search engine optimization (SEO) and pay-per-click (PPC) advertising.
  • Competitor keyword research allows you to identify the keywords that your competitors are targeting and ranking for, giving you valuable insight into what is working for them.
  • Competitor keyword research can help you identify gaps in your own keyword strategy and uncover new keyword opportunities that you may have overlooked.
  • By analyzing your competitors’ keyword strategies, you can see what kind of content is resonating with your target audience and make informed decisions about the types of content you create.
  • Competitor keyword research can help you stay ahead of the competition by staying up-to-date on their SEO and PPC strategies and making adjustments to your own strategy accordingly.
  • Competitor keyword research can provide valuable insight into your competitors’ target audience and help you better understand the needs and interests of your own target audience.
  • Competitor keyword research can help you identify the strengths and weaknesses of your competitors’ websites, allowing you to make improvements to your own site and improve your search engine visibility.
  • By tracking your competitors’ keyword rankings, you can stay informed about their performance in search results and make adjustments to your own strategy as needed.
  • Competitor keyword research is an ongoing process, as your competitors’ strategies and rankings will continue to evolve over time. Regular competitor keyword research can help you stay ahead of the competition and continually improve your SEO and PPC strategies.

Analyse Competitor Keywords with Keyword Research

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